Getting the Most Money When Selling your Home

Wednesday Apr 26th, 2017


Start with an Open Mind Take a tour with a Realtor and get some outside opinions on what areas you should focus your dollars on and what’s needed to get the maximum offers. Too often investors/home owners become either too emotionally attached or not attached at all. I have worked with investors who were renovating a property and blew their budget on some obscenely expensive tile they “had to have” and had nothing left for furnishing the place. On the other hand... [read more]

16 Tips You Can Increase Your Investment Property Value & Profit From It

Wednesday Apr 26th, 2017


Now that you bought your investment property and have a tenant in there, how do you increase property value without having to fork out a lot of money? Besides inflation, you can also make some changes yourself in order to get that extra equity out from your investment. 1. Painting the property Painting is one of the most common methods to increase property value with less money. A well-painted property can enhance the curb appeal of the area and make tenants feel as if they are... [read more]



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